Mechanics of History

Blog devoted to promote use of economics and game theory tools to understand the history, and to predict future events.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Another day of mental blockade - I can't do nothing. No work. No think.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Psychohistory and politics

A post that was originaly published at Yahoo GeoCities Psychohistory group:

It is sad but tring to create psychohistory is impossible to keep from politics. First of all (as Asimov stated) this theory IS about politics. So trying to avoid politics is like trying to discover airplane but not to fly, or trying to discover a new medicine, but refuse to heal people.

I will give you three examples of political consequences of theories like psychohistory:

1. Some models of my History Mechanics proves that sometimes crimes like: holocaust, concentration camps (like British ones in South Africa 1900-1902), area bombarding or murdering oppositionists or let starving people die - are the most effective solution. Even vorse - are unevitable because of the basic laws of physics.

Psychohistory would be a deadly weapon - because would describe how to use every other weapon.

So, If I lived in USA, I probably buy a gun and shot myself into head just for moral reasons - somebody sooner or later would discover History Mechanics because of criticall mass rule, but it would be not my guilt.

When you acting, you are responsible of victims that are the side effects of your actions.
When you do not acting, you are responsible for victims o your cowardice and hiding in an ivory tower.
And there is no god answer.

2. When a scientist finally discover psychohistory, he/she without resources (money and followers) would be no more than a puppet in the hands of politicians, when they discover how a wonderful tool to rule the people they have - recall scientists of early XXth century.

3. And science fiction idea to have a less serious summary:
In fictional world where the 2nd foudation is modeling a long run history of primitive civilization (like in my stories of historic battleship modeling the history of primitive aliens using camouflaged brainwashing mahines CBM), aliens who work on psychohistory would be already puppets of 2nd foudation, before they discover what is happening.

Because computer-historic processes of these CBM will be a very sophisticated, some of them would fight with pople trying to discover psychohistory, while others will support them. Preparing a qualified personnel (opposition) that would take some responsibilities of 2nd when the system of manipulation is compromised is the only way to avoid chaos.

To give you an illustrative example:
If we live in a World like that (which of course is against all our present knowledge about physics) Steve Wallis trying to warn us about the second foundation would be a puppet of some political computer process inside the 2nd foundation, and the people who want to remove him from this list would be a puppets of another political process.

Slawomir Dzieniszewski
Mechanics of History

Thursday, September 01, 2005

A sad day

Yesterday: tragedy on the Baghdad Bridge about 1000 victims - mainly womens of children. Effect of panic because of fear of the terrorist attack.
Partialy becauso of that I sent tooday a lettet to Adam Michnik from newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza with link to my History Mechanics Web page:

(these days are also probably a thousands of victims of the hurricane and flood in USA. But this tragedy have no political links, other than that the high prices of oil that helps a few populistic governments, and the scale of tragedy is probably in part an effect of Bush administration incompetence.)

An anniversary of Bieslan tragedy.